The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
Black sun

The "Black Sun" symbol from Wewelsburg castle, which is commonly associated with Esoteric Nazism.

Esoteric Nazism is an extreme far-right ideology which fuses the Nazi ideology into a theological system. The ideology is based on the belief that mainstream National Socialism did not go far enough towards establishing Aryan supremacy. The ideology is largely associated with Heinrich Himmler and his Burgundian System. This calls for extreme Spartanism, which in theory would make the German people stronger through hardship. It is rumoured Himmler believes in an even more extreme form and wishes to cleanse the world with nuclear fire so that only the Aryan race would survive and repopulate the earth.

Proponents and subideologies

Note: People marked with an asterisk are their countries' starting leaders.

Subideology Description Adherents
Esoteric Nazism ideology
Default (None)
Even before it became a continent-conquering force, National Socialism was far from a homogeneous movement defined by an orthodox line. From the highest echelons of power to the very bottom of the Party bureaucracy, commitment to state-espoused ideals was varied, especially at the individual level. Indeed, a skeptic might assess National Socialism as little more than an ill-brewed melange of cynical politics and the worst aspects of the German national character. In this view, the triumph of Nazism is little more than proof of a world run mad.
How narrow-minded. How foolish. How unenlightened.
Certain privileged souls have found in the tenets of National Socialism an ethos to surpass all others - one which utterly annihilates existing truths and norms, thereby revealing the true path to utopia. For these true believers who have had the scales lifted from their eyes, nothing else matters anymore. Materialism, rationalism, morality - all revealed as transient illusions of a degenerate world ruled by sinister forces. Subhumans, and even many Aryans, are blind to this newly illuminated reality, but so long as the light of truth burns within a single uncorrupted heart, hope for the pure race endures. Let National Socialism unfurl its wings in glory, and follow it to whatever end, for it is the way, the light, and the truth. The means and the words matter not - only utopia.
Kaukasia Josias zu Waldeck und Pyrmont*
Flag of Great Britain Colin Jordan
Argentina quality José López Rega
Spartanism subideology
For some, National Socialism's success was forever enshrined by its triumph, and its failures were only due to specific misfortunes or political errors. They say that the Reich, for all its faults, is not in need of anything more than reform or rejuvenation. They would see the status quo continue in perpetuity, leaving Germany as, ultimately, just another empire.
For Reinhard Heydrich and his followers in the Deutsche-SS, that is not enough. It will never be enough.
While the Himmlerites delved into esotericism, and the Waffen-SS betrayed their cause for wealth and power, Heydrich and his devotees already had a vision of their own, far different from that of the corrupt NSDAP and degenerate liberals. It was one of a better, simpler, more pure society of the ancient past, where men were warriors, women were mothers, and all traces of profligacy and weakness were excised. No cities bubbling with filth; no "pragmatic" mercy for subhumans. In barracks-towns and country estates, the pure race drilled for war and worked the land, while their progeny was honed to perfection through purges and bloodshed. They were the Spartans, espoused in thrilling tones by Heydrich as the ancient manifestation of Aryan supremacy - and when the world revolves upon the axis of Germany, even history itself will bend to the Führer's will.
It falls to the true believers of National Socialism - the SS - to realize the promised land. Infused with the spirit of Sparta and forged anew upon the anvil of the Volksgemeinschaft, the Reich will be made eternal. Even if the blood must flow in rivers and overtake the sea; if countless millions must choke and die; if the foundations of utopia are laid upon the mass grave of all mankind; it will be worth it. One has not the luxury of counting the cost.
Germany Reinhard Heydrich
Freistaat Prußen Adolf Eichmann
Angriffgruppen steiner flag Felix Steiner
Arische Volksfront Konrad Henlein
Österreich Otto Skorzeny
Kampfgruppe Joachim Peiper
SS-Oberabschnitt Ostland Friedrich Jeckeln
GrossAfricanState Hans Hüttig
Agrarian Spartanism subideology
Agrarian Spartanism
It is the nature of an ideology to adapt to its surroundings. The Burgundian System of Ordenstadt Pleskau is no exception. Birthed in the aftermath of the failed SS coup d'etat amid the ruins of Pskov, Pleskau's agrarian spartanism represents a rural, non-industrial take on Himmler's ultra-totalitarian racialism, an agricultural state ruled over by isolated and mad fanatics.
Led by anti-urban, anti-industrial figures of the SS, Pleskau's agricultural spartan movement promotes a highly stratified, neo-feudal system. At its lowest rungs are the slaves, a population of hundreds of thousands of Russians forced to engage in back-breaking agricultural labor and prohibited from learning skills. These slaves are assigned to large estates managed by men of the SS, the nucleus of a new landed gentry, who are encouraged to think of the land as entirely theirs, connected to them by blood. While these men maintain iron fists over their property, their officers maintain iron fists over them, enforcing puritanical cultural standards and hardline traditionalism. Connections outside strict hierarchies are highly discouraged. Cities and urban settlements, seen as dens of degeneracy, exist only for administration or strategic purposes.
SS-Aktionsgruppe Moskowien Rudolf-August Oetker
Burgundian System subideology
Burgundian System
When Germany's luck began running out after the Second World War, certain fanatical and unorthodox members of the Nazi Party - chief among them Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler - sought to reconcile their belief in the superiority of National Socialism with the increasingly bleak reality unfolding before them. They eventually arrived at the conclusion that the Nazi Party had lost sight of itself and collapsed into decadence, and that only they were fit to preserve National Socialism as truly intended. They quietly isolated themselves from the Third Reich's political structures, secretly building their own systems in parallel. When Himmler was made head of the SS-Ordensstaat Burgundy, he began implementing this purified vision of Nazism unimpeded.
Much like how many of the Reich's ideological goals revolve around Hitler's increasingly erratic statements, the tenets of the Burgundian System are rather ill-defined. The only way one could attempt to understand it is to analyze Himmler's increasingly inscrutable actions and cryptic beliefs, which range from vague and seemingly contradictory ideals of agrarianism and hyper-industrialization, to the establishment of a Germanic neopagan state religion and exploration of the occult. What is absolutely certain, though, is that his regime implements Nazi policies to a unique extreme: the SS is exalted above all other social strata, draconian racial hygiene laws are harshly enforced, and National Socialist theory is deliberately incorporated into every aspect of waking life. It also imposes an incomparable degree of totalitarianism upon the entire population, in hopes of removing all potential sources of decadence or complacency. Whether this has succeeded at all - or will do so in the future - is known only to Reichsführer Himmler, for while secrets flow like a river into the Ordensstaat, they are never permitted to leave.
Burgundy Heinrich Himmler*
SS-Staat Niederlande Henk Feldmeijer
Liebstandarte Heinrich Himmler Wilhelm Mohnke
SS-Arbeitslager Nürnberg Ernst Kaltenbrunner
Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS Klaus Barbie
Kommandostab Waffen-SS Paul Hausser
SS State of Lotharingia Theodor Eicke
SS-Oberabschnitt Westfalen flag Fritz Klingenberg
SS Kampfgruppen Flag Hermann Fegelein
Imperial Cult subideology
Imperial Cult
On the night of 17 July 1918, Bolshevik revolutionaries executed the Romanov imperial family in a cellar beneath Yekaterinburg. Their deaths ought to have marked the end of the story of House Romanov. Instead, Russia remained haunted by them. Through revolution, war, and dissolution, rumors spread that one of Nicholas's children had survived. As the country shattered, some came to believe that the Romanov children remained in hiding and would return, one day, to restore Russia to greatness. These delusions came to coalesce around one man, Sergey Taboritsky, and his imperial cult of Alexei.
A shambling corpse of a movement held together by fear, imperial nostalgia, and virulent antisemitism, the imperial cult's sole goal is to hasten Alexei's return to Russia. To this end, supporters believe in mobilizing all resources of the state toward purification, hoping for their savior's return once the Russian people have proved themselves "worthy" of him. Advocates support the systematic extermination of Russia's minorities, enforced poverty of the mass public, and the construction of grand, imperial monuments. Their system of mass surveillance and extreme punishment is directly inspired by the purified realms of the Reichskommissariat Kaukasien and its leader Josias, a man Taboritsky openly admires.
Yet, the movement's sustainability is unclear. Every day that their savior fails to return, the cult grows more desperate. Soon, observers fear, there may not be a Russia for Alexei to return to.
HRE Sergey Taboritsky
HRE Viktor Larionov
Flag Ural Purification Zone Yuri Evtukovich
Regency of Holy Russia Andrey Dikiy
Deep Ecology Nazism subideology
Deep Ecology Nazism
The dove is white; nature is as it should be. Nature is not kind or accepting — it simply *is*. Nature is disciplined and thrifty, although in its own way peaceful, and no single human race inhabits it, just diffuse clades of human beings. Nothing is universal; everything first takes root in a place all its own. Ecology is the science of natural divisions. Ecology is the science of nations. Ecology is the science of the Fatherland.
Deep Ecology Nazism is a strain of National Socialism born from the excesses of industrial warfare. Its first adherents witnessed the massacre of Aryan men in wars of aggression. They saw mercury seep into the soil and watched tanks press soldiers into the earth until man and mud mixed. War polluted the Aryan man and his living space. Deep Ecology Nazism offers a vision of a peaceful land where Aryans sing of overgrown tillage and high mountains which, like ribs of stone, remind the Volk of their oneness with the Fatherland. It is an ideology that attempts to offer a way to sustainably connect with the land as the Aryans' ancestors did, and its adherents solemnly pledge to defend that land with the tools of the Industrial Revolution if necessary.
The right state of nature is the absence of the foreign; the Aryan's land is his alone. There is no slavery in the Aryan's land because no subhumans still dwell there, as the natural order culled them long ago. There is no war in the Aryan's land because the Aryan already has his living space, his rightful land, the land of his forefathers. There is harmony and freedom in the Aryan land. There is oneness with nature and nation in the Aryan land. There is hope and optimism once more in the Aryan land.
Antarctic Administration (Esoteric Nazism) subideology
Antarctic Administration
Translated as "Ancestral Heritage", the organization known as the Ahnenerbe has been tasked since 1935 with finding archaeological evidence for the biological primacy of the Aryan race. Formed by the order of the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, this eclectic group of archaeologists, theoreticians, and Nazi ideologues have spent the last three decades scouring the globe and its cultures for concrete proof of Aryan Racial Theory. From the Reichskommissariats of the Lebensraum to the jungles of Latin America, agents of the Ahnenerbe have excavated, bought, or stolen artifacts of every kind, with a particular focus on human remains.
Their mandate means they are literally willing to go to the ends of the Earth in search of their proof. Projects as wide ranging as they are bizarre, such as the Hollow Earth Theory or the Quest for the Irminsul, have dominated the minds of the Ahnenerbe leadership. Reichsgeschäftsführer Wolfram Sievers, under the explicit orders of Himmler, has been dispatched to Antarctica to find proof of World Ice Theory, that is, proof that the world and all its contents stem from a glacial formation that surrounds our observable universe. Scientists everywhere have derided the insane theories and criminal work of the Ahnenerbe, much of which is blatant fabrication and outright lies. To the National Socialist cause, however, these theories form the bedrock of their denial of reality. Under normal conditions, this group is an eccentric, extreme lot. God only knows what the pressures of Antarctica will do to their psyches.
Ahnenerbe Antarktis Gruppe Wolfram Sievers
Italy quality Pino Rauti
Cengiz Ayhan


  • Himmler's endgame is heavily inspired by the plot of The Turner Diaries, an infamous 1978 dystopian novel written by American neo-Nazi author William Luther Pierce in which a group of terrorists instigate a race war resulting in all non-whites and Jews exterminated worldwide starting with the United States. Pierce can show up in the game, although he is not an adherent for Esoteric Nazism in the United States (instead, he will merely be a potential NPP-Y Senator for Georgia).
  • The original name of the ideology was the Burgundian System (in turn, this was originally part of the same ideology alongside Ultranationalism - known as Ultranational Socialism), but the name was changed so it could encompass non-SS members (and also because not all variants practiced the same beliefs as Himmler).
  • In the early stages of development, TNO used Kaiserreich's ideology mechanic, Kaiserreich's ideology of "Totalism" was converted to what was then known as "Ultranational Socialism".
  • Spartanism was formerly a subideology of Esoteric Nazism before being reclassified under National Socialism, since it has little to do with esotericism.
    • Ethno-Spartanism and Ultra-Spartanism were cut subideologies intended for Hans Hüttig and Friedrich Jeckeln respectively, while Spartanism was still a subideology of Esoteric Nazism. Both were folded into normal Spartanism before the change.