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The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

The German Civil War is an impending conflict that will take place in the Greater Germanic Reich in the immediate aftermath of Adolf Hitler's death. The war will have massive repercussions throughout the world, as the fall of the German hegemony causes a chain reaction of conflicts throughout the world.


The power struggle in Germany

Ever since the early years of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, many of the high ranking officials were hostile to one another. Petty disagreements and conflicting goals and ambitions were commonplace, with one of the few things party members could agree on being that Hitler was in charge. This situation came to a head in recent years. Adolf Hitler's health began to decline in the late 50s and early 60s. His mind and body deteriorated, and the various factions within the Reich began fighting for influence on the dying Hitler so that he would declare them the rightful successor to his position.

An assassination attempt in Germania

Following the Reich's successful landing on the moon, celebrations were held throughout Germany. However, during the festivities an assassin appearing to be from the Japanese Secret Service (though he was really from Burgundy) attempted to kill Hitler. Although he failed to kill the aging Führer, the assassin's bullet badly wounded him. Uncertainty over Hitler's condition lead to troops loyal to the various factions mobilizing in preparation for a civil war, but this moment of chaos ended just as quickly when Hitler was revealed to be alive and in stable condition.

Choosing a successor

The Führer's condition was stable, but it was becoming very apparent that his days were numbered. He would have to choose someone to succeed him, so the Reich would hopefully not collapse when he passed on. Who would lead the Reich to a better future? Would it be Martin Bormann, the stoic conservative? Albert Speer, the reformist architect? Hermann Göring, the warhawking Reichsmarschall? Or Reinhard Heydrich, the blonde butcher? So many choices, so little time, but he could trust only one to take his place when his time came.

On the brink of war

Following an unexpectedly abrupt end to Adolf Hitler's funeral, it would not be much longer before the Reich devolved into chaos, despite Hitler having clearly chosen a successor. For a time, it seemed reason would prevail, that this was merely a transition of power as the Führer's chosen took the reigns, but this was far from the truth. The Einheitspakt was already bursting at the seams, as the successors-turned-warlords rallied the public to their respective causes and prepared to tear each other apart. The battle for the Fatherland's future begins.

German Civil War super event


In the lead-up to the civil war, after naming a successor, the player will follow a different focus tree for each one, setting up their faction. Additionally, through decisions, influence can be earned that can either be spent on additional preparations for before the war (setting aside guns for their faction, bringing Heer units to their side, constructing forts and factories in the land they control) or spent on legitimacy during the war which can be used for various actions. Influence is gained either through focuses or by taking the "Looking for Opportunities" decision - each possible successor will have different reactions to the various situations brought up.

The German Civil War will break out on October 27, 1963. The Einheitspakt will be effectively dissolved - many of the other European nations that were a part of the Pakt will become independent, and the various Reichskommissariats will have different reactions to this; Reichskommissariats Ostland and Ukraine will break out into civil wars, Reichskommissariat Moskowien will collapse into a series of warlord states, while Reichskommissariat Kaukasien will remain intact. While not a Reichskommissariat, the General Governorate of the Vistula will similarly break out into a civil war between itself and the Polish Underground State, which it is very likely to lose. Additionally, Karl Dönitz will seize Crimea and create his own country, and Hans Speidel will seize control of Germania, although unlike Dönitz, it will merely be to ensure that the war does not harm the citizens of the country; he will allow whoever wins the civil war to peacefully annex it unless Heydrich is the one who ends up victorious; in the event of a Heydrich victory, he will refuse to acknowledge Heydrich as the new Fuhrer, and declare war on him. Additionally, the Kingdom of England will break into a civil war between the collaborationist government (backed by the Governorate of Cornwall) and Her Majesty's Most Loyal Resistance's England.

The SS State of Burgundy will support Heydrich through focuses; however, if Heydrich is defeated, they will switch to supporting Göring.

Hitler Dood - Wat Nou?

Dutch newspaper Die Vaderland reports on the death of Hitler. October 16th, 1963.

Should Heydrich begin to do well in the civil war (namely, eliminate one of the other three factions), the remaining two factions will call for a truce and form an Anti-Heydrich alliance (i.e. if Heydrich defeats Speer, Bormann and Göring will form this alliance). This alliance will last until either both of its members are defeated, or until Heydrich is defeated; after the latter happens, both sides will go back to fighting each other.

Outside of Europe, Germany, there will be consequences as well - the Luftwaffe will stop bombing European Russia and Western Siberia, lifting the Luftwaffe Terror Bombing spirit from the various warlords (the exception being Tyumen, who can lift said spirit before the GCW breaks out at the end of their starting focus tree). Similarly, the African nations will also find the spirit lifted.

In Africa, the three African Reichskommissariats will form the Afrika-Schild, an alliance consisting of them and the Boer Republic, in the fight against the Union of South Africa. As it is entirely possible that the South African War can end before the German Civil War ends, how well this alliance ends up fairing varies. If the Afrika Schild is still around after the German Civil War, and the South African War is not over, then whoever was victorious in the GCW can either support the Afrika Schild or they can begin a gradual withdrawl of their forces. If the Afrika Schild is not defeated in the SAW (or, if during the civil war, Hans Hüttig takes the "Brudermord" focus), an event will fire off that sees Hüttig annex the other two African Reichskommissariats, adopt the Burgundian System. He will then proclaim his new lands as the Großafrikanischer Reichstaat (Greater African Reich) and unsurprisingly, this will result in him being declared a traitor by whoever is victorious in the GCW, finding himself cut off from aid.

The Iberian Union and United States of America will both have reactions to this, opting to support Albert Speer. The former in particular will get a focus tree that allows them to send old guns and men over, simultaneously weakening the more extreme right-wing factions of Iberian politics. Similarly, if Speer completes certain focuses, he can ask other countries for arms (although it is entirely up to them if they send them or not). Similarly, both will opt to support South Africa in the South African War. Unlike with Madagascar, there is no way to have the three African RKs rejoin the Unity-Pakt.

If left entirely up to the AI, Bormann is the most likely to win, followed by Göring and Speer. Heydrich is almost always guaranteed to lose, as his path is more meant for the player to experience.


  • In the original canon for the 1972 start date, while Hitler will had named Heydrich his successor on account of how brutal he is, Bormann would have won the German Civil War.
  • Amusingly, due to a bug caused by transferring a save from an older version of the game, it's possible that the event triggering the attempt on Hitler's life will never fire off, resulting in the war never occurring due to him not dying.
  • Later updates to the game would make it more likely that whoever Hitler chose as his successor would win the war, as the faction that supported his chosen successor would gain a spirit that buffs their performance during the civil war.