The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

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The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

A country in West Africa, bordered to the Iberian Union in the North. It can become involved in the Iberian Wars and invade Iberian North Africa to liberate Mauritania. While most want to reform a new Mauritanian nation, there is heavy factionalism between Saleck's clique, socialists, and other generals disloyal to the current government.


National Spirits

Luftwaffe Terror Bombing
  • Construction Speed: -60.00%
  • Production Efficiency Cap: -40.00%
  • Production Efficiency Growth: -35.00%
  • Needed Consumer Goods: +25.00%
Launched from airfields in Südwestafrika, the German Luftwaffe regularly launch missions across western Africa, indiscriminately bombing both civilian and military targets as a demented form of 'pilot training'. Only along the coast do those few scattered cities with sufficient anti-air capabilities keep the Luftwaffe at bay, with none in the region capable of beating back this enemy permanently. This leaves the Germans with near impunity to strike the towns and farmlands further inland, crippling west African growth until this nightmare can finally end.
Mauritanian Claims

No Effects

The government of Trarza claims to be the legitimate ruler of the former French colony of Mauritania. These claims include vast regions currently controlled by Iberia. While few in the international community take Trarza's ambitions seriously, within the country they are vital to maintaining political stability. Without the claims, the ruling Military Committee for National Recovery would lose all reason to exist. It remains to be seen if they will even have an opportunity to press them.
The Military Committee for National Recovery

No Effects

In order to secure the stability and unity of the nation, and prepare for the reclamation of Mauritania, the military leaders of Trarza have formed a junta and outlawed other political organizations, doing away with all forms of democracy in the name of eliminating political division and uniting the people. Trarza is a nation without politics, for the moment at least.