The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

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The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

The Kingdom of Croatia is a country in the Balkans. It borders the Italian Empire to the west, the Greater Germanic Reich to the northwest, the Kingdom of Hungary to the northeast, the Independent State of Serbia to the east and the Kingdom of Montenegro to the south. Croatia is a member of the Triumvirate.


King Tomislav II, previously known as Aimone Roberto Margherita Maria Giuseppe Torino di Savoia-Aosta, was inaugurated against his will as the new Croatian king while the throes of WWII were still shaking Europe. Once a Prince of Italy's royal house, Aimone found himself at the head of a nation which he had no love for - he didn't speak a word of Croatian nor had he even ever been there, as he was picked simply because of his noble blood.


  • Amusingly, should one use console commands to change Croatia's ideology to the Esoteric Nazism, the country's name will change to "this is my first map :)".
  • If Josip Broz Tito takes control of Croatia, Bosnia will break away, according to an early teaser however Montenegro was originally the one to gain independence.
  • There are several unused portraits for potential leaders of Croatia for Ustaša loyalists such as Viktor Pavičić, Miroslav Navratil, Vjekoslav Luburić, and even Ante Pavelić himself (who died in 1959 in the TNO timeline and OTL). There are also portraits for dissidents Juraj Krnjević (president of the liberal Croatian Peasant Party), Vladimir Bakarić, and Andrija Hebrang (both being Communists).