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The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

Oskar Dirlewanger (born 26 September 1895) is a former SS Commander and leader of the exiled Dirlewanger Brigade. Dirlewanger is considered to be one of, if not the most purely evil human being in existence by people who know about him.


World War I and the interwar period

Dirlewanger joined the Imperial German Army in 1913 and served as a machine gunner. He fought in France and Belgium and later was transferred to the eastern front. His experiences in the war would go on to influence his amoral, psychopathic, barbaric, and sadistic personality. Following the war, Dirlewanger was categorized by police as a "mentally unstable, violent, and fanatic alcoholic who had a habit of erupting into violence under the influence of drugs," Making him the prime sort of person to join a paramilitary group and shoot people in the streets. In between his forays as a paramilitary commander, Dirlewanger studied political science and received a doctorate. The next year he joined the NSDAP. He became a manager of a clothing factory and donated much of his profits to the SA (most likely through embezzlement), and was repeatedly convicted for illegal arms possession. Dirlewanger was arrested and sentenced to two years in prison for the rape of a 14-year-old girl, and after the release was sent to a concentration camp. He was released on the orders of old war friend Gottlob Berger, who also happened to be a close personal friend of Heinrich Himmler.

World War II

When WWII broke out, Dirlewanger joined the SS and was put in charge of an anti-partisan unit, later known as the Dirlewanger Brigade. He was first assigned to security duties in Poland, where he took pleasure in raiding ghettos and collecting ransoms. He committed numerous atrocities during his time in Poland, some of which appalled even the most sadistic Nazis. His brigade accompanied the Wehrmacht into Russia, and he and his forces committed even more murder, rape, pillage, and genocide against the local population. The Brigade remained in Russia, hunting partisans and massacring thousands until the end of the war and after.

The West Russian War

Following WWII, Dirlewanger remained in Russia. He continued his work until the West Russian War began. His unit was sent to back up Wehrmacht units. Unbeknownst to the Wehrmacht, Dirlewanger, along with all other SS forces, were planning to attack and destroy the Wehrmacht. The plan however, was discovered by Hans Speidel, and Wehrmacht forces launched a preemptive strike against the SS. Dirlewanger's men were forced to flee deep into Russia, where the Wehrmacht assumed they would all freeze or be killed by bandits.

The Black Bandits

Despite the hopes of the Wehrmacht and most of humanity, Oskar Dirlewanger and his brigade didn't die, instead, Dirlewanger took his men and seized the city of Orsk, setting up his headquarters there. Dirlewanger began raiding nearby towns and villages with his trademark brutality and murder, creating a bandit state. Dirlewanger's bandits have carved a path of destruction and suffering throughout Russia, and their sights are now set on the city of Orenburg, a weak anarchist state with great wealth. All that stands between Orenburg and annihilation are the forces of the Ural League.


  • Oskar Dirlewanger currently has the most death events of any leader, the amount is more than 70.