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The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki
The New Order: Last Days of Europe Wiki

Willy Brandt (née Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm) is the leader of Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold and a key proponent of the circumstances leading to the 1971-1972 Slave Revolt, which he is recognized as the leader of.

Born in Lübeck in 1913, Brandt associated himself politically with the Social-Democratic Party of Germany and later with the Socialist Workers' Party in 1932. Following the ascension of Adolf Hitler to power in 1933, Brandt fled Nazi anti-socialist persecution to Norway, where he would become a proponent of socialism.

Following the capitulation of Norway to Germany and a brush with arrest by German occupation authorities, Brandt would flee to Sweden, where he would spend the rest of the war in hiding to some substantial degree. Following the end of the war, Brandt would begin to organize backchannel resistance in the Reich.


If Albert Speer liberalizes the Reich, then during the Oil Crisis in 1971, Willy Brandt will return to Germany, where he will collaborate with recently-liberated slaves to overrun the eastern colonies of the Reich.

Finally, in the beginning of 1972, Brandt along with Polish Slave Leader Karol Wojtyła, Belarussian Slave Leader Nadezhda Troyan and Ukrainian Slave Leader Viacheslav Chornovil will finish overrunning Eastern Europe (except for Reichskommisariat Moskowien, parts of Reichskommisariat Ukraine and parts of Kaukasien (Deutsches Freikorps)) and the Slave Revolt will begin, with the Armeeverband Freies Europa fighting against the Deutsches Freikorps, Ferdinand Schörner's Moskowien and Speer's Greater Germanic Reich.

Should Helmut Schmidt manage to negotiate an end to the Slave Revolt, the people of Eastern Europe will be liberated. However, Brandt realises that he cannot return to live in Germany and accepts. He then goes to live in exile.

Should the Reich fail to negotiate an end to the Slave Revolt, and should the Slaves lose, Brandt will kill himself, not wanting to face false Justice.
